Yet every time a mass murder event featuring a gun hits the news, the perpetrator is invariably a strung-out leftist whack-job who’s gone off his meds.. That’s why, in the aftermath of each of these tragedies, the mainstream media talking heads push the ‘tinfoil hat wearing, disaffected Tea Party, anti-government theory, ‘until that’s proven to be nothing more than a case of hopeful projection.
Which beggars the question, why are so many lefties so damned violent? Or think nothing of wishing violence on those with whom they disagree? As an example, there’s the University of Kansas’ David Guth…
I suppose the wonderful (and horrifying) thing about Twitter is that it gives people an instant outlet for their feelings and opinions. And as with most cross-sections of the general population, there’s a significant sub-group or Tweeters out there on one end of the bell curve who seem to have no internal editor. Or maybe their fingers are just a little too quick for their own good
University of Kansas Journalism Professor hopes NRA members’ children are next victims
Got that? As the news was breaking Monday, Guth defaulted to the standard, comfortable stereotypes when he heard about the Washington Navy Yard shooting. -The massacre had to be NRA-related, somehow- In his fevered mind, a gun was involved so ergo, Wayne LaPierre and his acolytes are ultimately to blame.
But it’s not just NRA members who are pissing off the good professor. It’s virtually any gun owner really. Well, just about any gun owner here, anyway.
Speaking with Campus Reform on Wednesday, Guth confirmed it was he who sent the controversial tweet.
“Hell no, hell no, I do not regret that Tweet,” he said. “I don’t take it back one bit.”
Guth also doubled down on the statement when other Twitter users pressed him, suggesting it was shameful to call for the death of children.
“God’s justice takes many forms,” he tweeted in response.
And on Monday the associate journalism professor echoed those sentiments on his personal blog, called Snapping Turtle.
“I don’t wish what happened today on anyone,” he wrote. “But if it does happen again — and it likely will — may it happen to those misguided miscreants who suggest that today’s death toll at the Navy Yard would have been lower if the employees there were allowed to pack heat.”
So…better to have psychotic lefties shooting up designated gun-free zones than consider allowing people to arm themselves for self defense. All data to the contrary be-damned.
“It absolutely appalls me that after Newtown, we could not have come to some kind of sane agreement on something as simple as the number of bullets in a magazine or the availability of assault weapons,” he said.
Keep emoting there, Professor. It’s so cathartic. And never mind the fact that Aaron Alexis didn’t use any “assault weapons” Monday. Juuuust let it all out.
KU, in the mean time, is standing behind their molder of young minds. Their position: what he says on Twitter is his own biz. Now, if he’d dropped N-bombs left and right, said AIDS patients had it coming or opposed gay marriage, he’d likely be out of a job by now. Fortunately for him, he attacked the “right” people so …no real harm done.’
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