I rage much, I sleep little. Incongruously, I have been a union activist and simultaneously a Constitutional libertarian. I am a registered nurse, a sailor, an Army veteran, and a III%er... I am a complicated man.

Friday, March 20, 2015

Why Aren't Liberals Making Islam Illegal?

"Let's go along with the liberals' delusions for a moment that Islamic terror has nothing to do with Islam. These terror group certainly think it does. In fact, they've devoutly studied it day and night for years, quoting it with every slaughter. Let's just for liberals' sake pretend that these terrorists are misunderstanding Islam.

If this religion is so dangerous that millions misunderstanding it means the slaughter of billions, isn't it too dangerous to allow?

Think about it this way.

Liberals demonize any type of shooter game or toy as dangerous because it could possibly be misunderstood by children or adults as acceptable violence in the real world. So, liberals demand the games and movies be banned. In the least they'll blame it for crazies shooting up a school or theater. So, why not the same with Islam? Of so many people are "misunderstanding" it so much that whole nations are still being slaughtered after a thousand years, why aren't liberals at the forefront for making Islam illegal?"

~Dom The Conservative

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