I rage much, I sleep little. Incongruously, I have been a union activist and simultaneously a Constitutional libertarian. I am a registered nurse, a sailor, an Army veteran, and a III%er... I am a complicated man.

Wednesday, November 23, 2016

"Fake News".

The entire mainstream media is gnashing their teeth and rending their hair over "fake news" after an election where they chose a candidate and supported that candidate by reporting out of context, omitting information, conducting opposition research for their chosen candidate and propagandizing according to their own bias. Now they want to "filter out" so called "fake news". Know which country already has a "filter" for fake news?
China. They are communists (we call them progressives in America).
Progressive lefties worry about Trump building internment camps - but these camps already exist. Where are they and who built them?
University campuses.The progressive left built them.
The progressive left is screeching about the "racism" that Trump's cabinet appointments represent, yet which ideology separates all America by race, implements quotas based on skin color and disrespects minorities by the soft bigotry of low expectations?
Ditto with "hatred" these appointments supposedly represent but which ideology violently protests when their own governance fails as in Ferguson and Baltimore?
Prior to the election, the media and the progressive left were aghast that Trump wouldn't automatically agree with the outcome of the election but who refused to accept the results of the election, took to the streets after they lost and are threatening Electoral College electors in an attempt to corrupt the process?
Which ideological group believes in the Constitution and its Amendments (i.e. states rights and the Electoral College) until they lose?
Which ideological group hides behind "states rights" when challenged over open borders and so-called "sanctuary cities" but hypocritically supports centralized federal control in all other circumstances?
What ideological group thought secession of various states that disagreed with Obama's policies was against the Constitution but now wants California to secede?
Progressives.. From these facts, one could get the idea that progressivism is bad for America.

Michael Smith 

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