I rage much, I sleep little. Incongruously, I have been a union activist and simultaneously a Constitutional libertarian. I am a registered nurse, a sailor, an Army veteran, and a III%er... I am a complicated man.

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Farrakhan and his Obama "Disapointment"

Following this Blog post  on American Thinker: Farrakhan: Disappointed in Obama, was this well thought out response, I had to share it..

"I wonder how confounded and disappointed Farrakhan, Sharpton, Jackson, and other movers and shakers in the racial grievance industry would feel if they had any idea how little animosity the vast majority of white Americans feel for blacks.

Outraged by the blatant racism of Eric "the Red" Holder, the use of our tax dollars to promote federal government racism, the attempted court room lynching of George Zimmerman and pending court room lynching of his wife, and the racism of President 'You Didn't Build That?'

Yes, we are outraged—as well we should be! We took the lessons of the civil rights efforts of the 1950s and 1960s to heart. We got the message. We made the changes. We began to judge people by the content of their character rather than the color of their skin—and it worked just fine.

The racial grievance hustlers differ from George Wallace, Orval Faubus, Lester Maddox, and the like only in skin color and the objects of their hatred. They think they're somehow above the law. They think they deserve extra-special treatment. They're on a wild-eyed jihad against other races. They demand to judge us by the color of our skin rather than the content of our character, and of course, they insist we're guilty as charged just because they say so, and we owe them all the money and extra-special treatment they demand in recompense.

I say it's a good thing the vast majority of white Americans don't judge the vast majority of black Americans by the behavior of their so-called "leaders," or all [fill in the blank] would have broken loose a long time ago. It's an equally good thing the vast majority of white Americans don't judge the vast majority of black Americans by the behavior of the small percentage of young black gangsters, or all [fill in the blank] would have broken loose a long time ago.

I say the vast majority of Americans—black, white, brown, yellow, red, and purple with orange polka dots—outgrew racism a long time ago, and it's time, long past time for the feral government to sit down, shut up, and follow our example instead of trying to pretend America is still stuck in the Jim Crow era."

No one looks backward with more determination than racists and loudly self-proclaimed "progressives."

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